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The Best Gadgets And Ideas For Smart Homes

The Best Gadgets And Ideas For Smart Homes

Ana Zuravliova

By Ana Zuravliova

Trend Specialist at Blinds Direct
Thu 16 Dec 2021

An introduction to smart homes

The idea of various devices talking to one another in the home may have had a Star Wars or Jetsons vibe until only recently, however, today, smart home technology is are fast becoming the norm. In this blog we’ll be moving away from the familiar world of classic interior design and be dipping a toe into the internet of things and the connected devices you can enjoy throughout your home.

How does a smart home work?

Connected devices – products that can connect with each other and other systems via the internet – are certain to revolutionise the way we live. Turning on your home’s heating from your phone while on the train, letting your fridge manage the sell by dates of your food and smart doorbells will become a normal part of day-to-day life. These amazing inventions combine to create a smart home.

What is in a smart home?

There are many connected devices that can be used in specific rooms, but some can be used throughout the property. Voice controlled virtual assistant technologies including Alexa, Siri, and Cortana open a world of opportunity. Whether its playing music in different parts of the home, managing the lights, or even setting reminders, these technologies are helping us to make our homes even more comfortable.

Smart home ideas

Motorised blinds in smart homes

Motorised blinds are a remarkable innovation offering luxury and convenience for a more affordable price than you may have originally thought. So, what are some of the main benefits of using motorised blinds in your smart home?

Quick and easy set up

Despite representing a significant move forward in the world of window furnishings, motorised blinds are incredibly quick and simple to fit and setup. They don’t even need an electrician. An additional bonus for family homes is that they are completely child safe since they do not need cords or chains of any kind.

Comfort and simplicity

Enhancing the comfort of your home, you need never have to get up from your chair again to open or close your blinds. This new intuitive way of furnishing your windows also lets you accurately manage how much daylight enters your home and maintains your privacy, all with the simple push of a button.

Smart home apps for motorised blinds

For maximum effect, you can use your motorised blinds using your mobile phone. With free apps available for iOS and Android – Alexa, Dot and Echo via the Louvolite Home Hub, you have the flexibility to open or close your blinds while in a different room, away from home – at work or on holiday. Learn more in our An Introduction to Motorised Blinds blog.

Gadgets and ideas for smart living rooms

One of the easiest spaces to use connected devices is the living room. Since the objective of most connected devices is to make life easier and more comfortable, adding them to spaces where we already relax is the best place to start.

Smart TV’s

One of the more popular gadgets to enjoy in the living room is a smart television. Going beyond traditional TV channels, our small screens now give access to our favourite streaming services, music and can even connect to your phone to watch videos you may have taken with friends and family. With technology also available to make your TV voice activated, it’s an exciting time for home entertainment.

Voice activated light control

Speaking of voice activation, with the right tech you can also control internal lighting. When you’re wanting to relax and put on a movie, but you’ve got comfortable on the sofa, you can use voice commands to control the atmosphere of your home.

Smart bedroom ideas

Similarly to living rooms, bedrooms are spaces that benefit from smart technologies. Once in bed, it’s time to really let go and relax. That said, many of us have to escape the warmth and comfort if the blinds aren’t fully closed, or to turn off the light once we’re done reading. With the right connected device however, you can enjoy total comfort in your bedroom!

Controlling comfort without getting out of bed

Here, motorised blinds, voice activated lights and heating control are all exceptionally useful. When you wake up before you have to get out from under the sheets, you can turn on the heating so you won’t get chilly before getting dressed and once you’ve finished the last chapter of your book, a tap of a button or single voice command will switch out the lights.

Consider a smart air purifier

For peak technological home improvement, you can even consider a smart air purifier that doubles up as a heater and cooler. These will help you to enjoy clean air and the perfect temperature which in turn will keep you happy and mentally positive.

Make the most of natural light

Waking up with natural light is very beneficial for our physical and mental health. For a hassle-free way of enjoying these benefits, set your motorised blinds to open at specific times, helping you rise and shine with the sun.

How to make a kitchen a smart kitchen

Kitchens are the ideal environment for gadgets.

The benefits of smart ovens

Smart ovens can connect to virtual assistants and include screens large enough to not only set the temperature, and let the oven know exactly what’s going in, but to see your favourite recipes too. You can also turn the oven on and off so while you’re walking home you can set it to heat up ready for dinner.

Utilising smart fridges

Smart fridges are also an innovative addition to modern homes. Many will keep a track of sell by dates, limiting food and financial waste, while others also have cameras so you can see what’s in the fridge when you’re in the shop. Some even have speakers so you can listen to your favourite tunes while cooking up a feast.

There are some amazing things you can enjoy in your home and today’s blog has merely scratched the surface of what’s available. Watch this space for more connected devices to enjoy in your smart home!

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