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Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 And Interior Design

Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 And Interior Design

Ana Zuravliova

By Ana Zuravliova

Trend Specialist at Blinds Direct
Fri 19 May 2023

May 15-21 2023 marks mental health awareness week in the UK and this year has focussed on anxiety as its primary theme. This is an important time in which we are all encouraged to assess and focus on our mental health and learn some new skills to help guide us through our lives. Today, we’ll be looking at how you can channel your home to provide a sanctuary in which you can improve your mental wellbeing and the easy steps you can make to bring calm into your lives.

What is mental health awareness week?

This year, Mental Health Foundation’s mental health awareness week focuses on anxiety, which it describes as “a normal emotion in us all, but sometimes it can get out of control and become a mental health problem”. During this week, millions around the country work together to host events and reach out to others. Mental Health Awareness Week has now become one of the most successful awareness weeks around the globe. You can find more information at

Can colour help anxiety?

For generations, countless societies have understood and embraced the relationship between colour and emotion. Colour therapy is an alternative remedy that uses colour and light to treat mental and physical health. Luckily, it is believed that some colours can also help with anxiety.

When looking for colours to add to the home, many believe that shades of green and blue can have a calming effect and reduce the impact and intensity of anxiety. Shades of purple and lilac are also thought to help with depression management. 

We explored the power of colour in our Positive Colours blog which investigates how different tones can help improve your positivity.

Finally, it’s important to remember that colours for better mental health are very personal so if a shade makes you happier, but others disagree, don’t worry about it. Feeling unable to express yourself is a major factor in mental health and causes anxiety, so if you want a barbie pink roman blind in a lime green room – go for it!

Use tactile fabrics to reduce anxiety

There is also research that suggests tactile fabrics can help people struggling with anxiety. Where many still find comfort with their cuddly toys from youth, some can find as much peace with soft, fluffy cushions.

A study has shown that especially designed cushions that mimic breath can be similarly effective as breathing-focused meditation to help mitigate anxiety. While these might be readily available, the other component of the custhion’s nature was its softness. By taking time for yourself in soft comfort, it is possible to reduce anxiety and enjoy peace.

By adding a softer touch to your home, you can improve the sensory experience of the space and hopefully reduce anxiety.

Better sleep, happier mind

Bad sleep and anxiety often go hand-in-hand. If one suffers from mental health issues, their sleep can be negatively impacted. Likewise if someone struggles to get a good night’s sleep, their anxiety can become harder to manage. Therefore, it’s in everyone’s interest to get a good night’s sleep as regularly as possible.

We compiled a study that investigated the external factors that can negatively affect sleep quality. The Wake up Well campaign identified light, noise and temperature as leading factors to poor sleep which in turn can increase anxiety. Three top sleep tips are:

1. Define your sleep schedule and stick to it

2. Use a blackout blind or curtain to make your room as dark as possible

3. Pre-empt changes to your sleep cycle if you’re transitioning back to office work

Anxiety can be very hard, but by researching mechanisms and speaking with loved ones, it can be managed. We wish you all good mental health for the future!

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